Throughout so much of American history, resources and choices were endless.  We as a people are inventive and innovative in so many arenas. So why is it that we can’t feed our children well?  Nothing could be more fundamental to this sense of failed expectations and dashed hopes than the way our children eat in their schools. Why can’t children in our public schools get the most wholesome, delicious food available? Why should schoolchildren refer to their food as “prison food”? Why do we continue to insist that it is impossible to change “the system”? This is a nationwide issue, and across the country, parents, teachers, principals, food services staff, cafeteria managers, janitors, politicians, doctors, nutritionists are all trying to solve this problem: our kids must eat better to live healthier, more productive lives.


One of Our Food Chain 's goal is to educate and inspire parents, children, communities, and policy makers utilizing media to get involved in their school lunch programs, improve the food options in their home and in their communities.